Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Back to School!

Welcome back!!

I'm very excited to start the year! We have a few changes in the specials world. Since we are on a four day week we decided to have each class come all week, instead of once a week. We hope that teaching can be more fluid and consistent. Also, we will  be integrating "Clubs" into our our regular teaching. I will still be bringing students into the Learning Garden to explore their creativity outdoors! 

The art room now has a private Instagram account. Please ask to follow "westridgewildcats." I will post updates and photos of art as well as things we learn!  My hope to create another avenue for communication!

Please always feel free to contact me with any questions!

We love creating and learning about art!
Our Target and Expectation Spot: I believe it's important for students to know what they are doing and why!
Our Centers Area: Students love using this area for art choices when they finish projects early.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

4th Quarter Wrap Up!

Art Show!

West Ridge had about 30 artists represent our school at the 2018 District Art Show! Four artists walked away with awards! Way to go Wildcats!

5th Grade Art: For the 5th graders final project they created "Snapchat Selfies." They were able to trace facial features, then they were on their own to shade and create backgrounds. 


4th Grade Art: 4th graders created mini-self collages. They were busy finding just the right paper and cutting details to create their portraits!

3rd Grade Art: Third graders were tasked with creating art that would welcome our student back to school next year. They made self portraits inspired by the book "Wonder." 

 2nd Grade: Second Graders created illustrations inspired by Faith Ringoldd's book "Tar Beach."

1st Grade: First graders had their first experience with clay. They created birds with lots of texture!

Kinder Art: Kinders got to show off their painting skills on their painted gardens. 

4th and 5th Grade Art Clubs: Our final art club project was a Picasso inspired mask. We used found items in the art room to add detail. 

Wow! What an amazing year!! Have a wonderful summer Wildcats!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Special Art Guests

Art Club has Two Special Guests...

The 4th and 5th grade Art Clubs had the privileged of having two guests visit us. 

The first one was Marie Gibbons. Marie is a local sculptor and teaches classes all around the Denver area. She taught the students how to trophy bugs. Marie uses the black wash method for painting, which the students loved!

Her website is: 

 Our other special guest comes right from Brighton. Jim Peters is the proprietor of Main Street Creatives Galleryand heads up the Art Academy of Colorado, which offers a variety of art classes for kids and adults. Jim came and did a animation demo on the computer. Then the students made Zoetropes as their own animation.

His websites are: