Monday, October 31, 2016

Using the elements

The second graders are having a blast using four of the elements of art in their current piece. Each day we look at a piece Paul Klee's and discuss why he uses lines, colors, texture and shapes. Their responses vary from, "he uses colors,that are his favorite, to he uses line to make his colors pop!" Then we practice doing what he does; making artistic choices.

Using color to go with the flow.

Using lines to add detail and make our art pop! 

Some very cool examples of smart artistic choices!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Garden Club Presents: Art Market for the Garden on October 25th!

Once there was a mud pit....

We had a dream to build a garden where we could think, write, investigate, and read in. Then, with the help of many there was a garden.....

Creating portable seats for the garden

Now we are in need of a few final touches, like, dirt, seeds, mulch and a sign. The Garden Club has been working hard on handmade art to sell on October 25th from 3:30-4:30 in the garden. Join us for a look at the garden and a chance to buy handmade art to support our garden's needs. 

Creating our handmade art to sell

Monday, October 3, 2016

Original Works On-line ordering coming soon!

West Ridge Original Works is on its way!!! Below is just a sneek peak of what's inside this box! The students are super excited for their parents to see their Original Works Art! You'll have to wait for our on-line gallery to be up and running in a few weeks! In the meantime look for a letter from me about this amazing fundraising program in your child's Friday Folder!